The Summer trilogy by Jenny Han which includes the following books in order:

The summer I turned pretty
by Jenny Han
It's not summer without you
By Jenny Han
We'll always have summer
by Jenny Han.
NON SPOILER SECTION: The following reviews are my non-spoiler reviews on each book
The summer I turned pretty
by Jenny Han
My review for this book is that I really loved it. It was a good coming of age story, and I was so eager to jump right into reading book two.
My review for this book is that I really loved it. It was a good coming of age story, and I was so eager to jump right into reading book two.
It's not summer without you
By Jenny Han
I absolutely loved this one just as much as the first. I felt as if you really got to know the characters and had a connection with them, which makes you FEEL for them. I dislike Belly she drives me insane, but I love Jeremiah.
It's not summer without you
By Jenny Han
I can't go into too much detail here in the non-spoiler section but this book did not end up the way I really thought it would. It ended up taking a turn for the worse, which was a shame because I really enjoyed the first two books. I almost wish I had stopped at book two so I could imagine an ending for the trilogy myself.
Read on for my reviews with spoilers
If you have not read the Summer series by Jenny Han
do not continue to read because there will be spoilers about the trilogy from this point forward:
I seriously loved the first two books in the trilogy. Belly was a little annoying in all of the books in my opinion. She was hung up on Conrad who obviously did not treat her well at all. & there was Jeremiah who loved her, and you could tell would respect her and take care of her, and make her laugh. So of course these first two books were building up MY admiration for him. I loved the first book when it showed how much fun they had at the summer house, and described their past summers. It made me wish I had that kind of summer every year! Then it was sad when the boys mother passed away. Book two was good too, not as exciting as the first one to me when they were at the summer house. But I still really enjoyed it. Then book three this is the book I disliked the most. The first two books were building up Jeremiah describing him as a perfect guy basically, and Conrad was the moody one who was unreliable and unaccountable. & then this book they made Jeremiah look bad! Him and Belly had a break up and during the week that they were broken up he slept with another girl. They made him look trashy, and lazy at points in the book. It just really upset me how they portrayed him in this book. And then they did not end up getting married because of Conrad. Then the last (what was it?!?) pages/chapter they had her marrying Conrad. It just was too fast of an ending, and I just really wish I did not read the last book in the trilogy it ruined it for me.
Some people may disagree, but this is just how I felt, how did you feel reading the books?
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