Sunday, May 17, 2015


Okay bout of books read-a-thon ends today, and tomorrow another read-a-thon called #RYBSAT, aka Read your book shelf a thon, begins!

Here is a link to the youtube video by Gingerreadslainey RYBSAT round five

So this read-a-thon runs from May 18th until May 25th.

Basically it looks as if you pick a spot on your bookshelf and then you have to read the books from there.  If they are a part of a series you can read one of the series and skip over it if you do not want to read the whole series through the read-a-thon, and then continue on down the line of books on your shelf.  For me I am going to read the following:

This is a picture of my bookshelf and what I plan to read for this read-a-thon.  (Sorry the picture quality is not great, I broke my digital camera, and only have an older style ipod to take pictures for a little)
So I am going to start with:

The summer I turned pretty by Jenny Han

It's not summer without you by Jenny Han

We'll always have summer by Jenny Han

So yes I do plan on reading a whole series in this read-a-thon.  They are fairly short books so I should be able to read one a day, so I think I will be getting into the next series on my shelf which is:

Lux beginnings: Obsidian & Onyx (lux 1 &2)
by Jennifer L Armentrout


Lux consequences: Opal & Origin (lux 3 & 4)
by Jennifer L Armentrout

Lux opposition (lux #5)
by Jennifer L Armentrout

Now if you can see in my picture these books are a bit longer because it is a collection of books, so I am not sure if I will be able to finish  the complete lux series by the end of this read-a-thon but I plan on finishing them anyways.  I am a marathon reader and I like to read all my series at once.  Well lI am excited to start this tomorrow, but I have to go now and finish the last day of bout of books!  Leave a comment and let me know if you plan to participate in this read-a-thon and if you do, leave me a link to your blog or video so I can see what you plan to read!!

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