is another site I LOVE LOVE LOVE. This site allows you to take a few short surveys about yourself (so they can know what is relevant to you) and then they send you free things to try, and then you go out and share with your friends, and family, and neighbors your experiences. I have tried so many things from bzzagent, and the best part is they send you FULL size products. My husband and I both love them, and we check them often.
Some of the items I have gotten to try are:
-Trumoo (chocolate milk for the kids, that is good for them!)
-Green Giant veggie snack chips (delicious chips!)
-Schick Hydro Silk Sensitive Care razor (also a coupon for a whole free bottle of shaving cream) I still use this razor till this day
-Tone Body wash and Bath bar
-Quaker warm and crunchy granola (the only kind of oatmeal my son will eat now)
-Special K Coffee house breakfast shakes (my husband liked these)
-Coppertone clearly sheer sunscreen (always have been a fan of Coppertone)
-Dr scholls dream walk (dr scholls that you use with high heels!! So awesome)
See how awesome that is?? All of those were sent to me by the companies/bzzagent. I received coupons as well to share with my friends which were really great!
Let me know in the comments if you are a bzzagent too and what campaigns you have been apart of, or if you plan on joining!
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